CrowdStrike CTF 2021 - Module Wow [crypto, reversing]

Downloading file reveals it’s ELF64. The code is pretty straightforward, it does the following:

Obviously the important part of the payload XOR-ing:

  mem_mapped = (code *)mmap((void *)0x0,payload_len,7,0x22,-1,0);
  if (mem_mapped == (code *)0xffffffffffffffff) {
    perror("[!] mmap() failed");
    result = 0xffffffff;
  else {
    counter = 0;
    while (counter < payload_len) {
      curr_byte = mem_mapped[counter];
      password_len = strlen(password);
      *(byte *)(mem_mapped + counter) = password[counter % password_len] ^ (byte)curr_byte;
      counter = counter + 1;
    result = 0;
  return result;

The XOR-encrypted payload is given here as a whole:


Since this is x86_64, we can expect certain patterns, such as:

Guessing payload starts with a function prologue, we get the expected bytes of 554889e54883ec. This gives us a few of the password’s first bytes:

Payload:    16 1b f2 86 3a fa 9c
Expected:   55 48 89 e5 48 83 ec
XOR result: 43 53 7b 63 72 79 70
XOR char:   C  S  {  c  r  y  p

The XOR result gives us CS{cryp, which looks like the format of the CTF flag format. Continuing logically, I assumed the next byte was ‘t’, which made sense when decoding the payload. The next character could be ‘o’, ‘O’ or ‘0’, and I noticed ‘0’ gives me a REX prefix (0x48) so I bet on ‘0’. This means the password starts with CS{crypt0. For the next byte I tried ‘g’ but it gave me an invalid opcode, so I decided to try ‘G’ and ‘_’ as well:

Password char option:   g  G  _
Password byte option:   67 47 5f
Payload byte:           d6 d6 d6
XOR result:             b1 91 89

Since this is a beginning of a new opcode, I noticed only 0x89 (MOV) makes sense, the result decode to invalid opcodes. For this you can use any Intel opcode referece, such as shown here.

After I got the password prefix CS{crypt0_ I got stuck for a moment, as continuing this guessing game is hard. I decided to attack the payload from its last byte, which I expect to be RET (0xc3):

Payload:    b3
Expected:   c3
XOR result: 70
XOR char:   p

Now I made another guess. As the password is used in a cyclic fashion, I guessed that the last ‘p’ I just retrieved was the ‘p’ I already got in the prefix. If that’s the case then I could use that information to conclude several options for the password’s length. Since the payload is 196 bytes long, and since our ‘p’ is the 7th byte in the prefix, it means that our password length must divide 196-7=189. Factoring 189 gives us: 189=3*3*3*7, which gives us several password length options:

Length   Remarks
======   =======
     1   Too short
     3   Too short
     7   Too short
     9   Too short
    21   Probable
    27   Probable
    63   Perhaps too long?
   189   Hopefully too long!

We now have two probable options: 21 and 27. At this point I want to see if I could favor one over the other. I could do so by using the partial password I got (the prefix) and see how it affects the resulting code. While I could do this by hand, I decided to use Capstone Engine which has really cool Python support. I coded a short Python script that tests a prefix, a suffix and key length and shows the result. For “unfinished” instructions I simply put NOP (0x90) which might screw-up some instructions but it’s better than nothing.


from capstone import *

def f(payload, key_prefix, key_suffix, expected_keylen, base = 0x001040a0):
    code = b''
    for i in range(len(payload)):
        curr = i % expected_keylen
        if curr < len(key_prefix):
            code += bytes([payload[i] ^ key_prefix[curr]])
        if curr >= expected_keylen - len(key_suffix):
            code += bytes([payload[i] ^ key_suffix[-(expected_keylen - curr)]])
        code += b'\x90'
    g(code, base)

def g(code, base):
    md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)
    tot = 0
    for i in md.disasm(code, base):
        print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s\t\t%s" %(i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str, i.bytes.hex()))
        tot += len(i.bytes)
    print('Total bytes: %d from %d' % (tot, len(code)))
    print('=' * 30)
    while tot < len(code):
        tot += 1
        for i in md.disasm(code[tot:], base+tot):
            print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s\t\t%s" %(i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str, i.bytes.hex()))
            tot += len(i.bytes)

payload = bytes.fromhex('161bf2863afa9c6478d61c967ce73c8b79fa98d8435f6330edf49543537b632731f99178dc8d7ebd1185f8748f17a826d6a478a3f34143537b6c77f23588b99889b4cb93862679faba78edb34378ed4e95841687637279703cbb1a8926bd29899838f01acc6f17e075943235c8168b6cc479f4b445b3ea3bc824f236d93bd6f6d15e633064db7f43537baab12c38fdd5d61c827ce50c93b826b7bb2bb32ba82cbaba0bd83e833af0b6ff75b729f67ce5bb3bf6b35e306e5f6c35edf3f406aff0268e24b3')

keylen = 21
key_suffix = b'}'
key_prefix = b'CS{crypt0_'

f(payload, key_prefix, key_suffix, keylen)

Note how we can control keylen and see how it affects the decoded payload. For a length of 21 I get weird instructions that don’t make logical sense, for instance:

0x1040f4:       and     byte ptr [rcx], ah              2021
0x1040f6:       add     dl, byte ptr [rbx]              0213
0x1040f8:       ret     0xfd6a          4ec26afd
0x1040fd:       loop    0x10408f                e290

However, for length of 27 I get another function prologue:

0x1040ba:       call    0x1040bf                e800000000
0x1040bf:       push    rbp             55
0x1040c0:       mov     rbp, rsp                4889e5
0x1040c3:       adc     qword ptr [rax - 0x6f6f6f70], -0x70             4883909090909090

So, from this point on, I concluded that the password length is 27 characters long. This means I only have 16 bytes to go. From this point on I tried getting sane opcodes and logically correct code. For instance, decoding with the current prefix I get:

0x1040d4:       nop                     90
0x1040d5:       cmp     al, 0           3c00
0x1040d7:       add     byte ptr [rax], al              0000
0x1040d9:       syscall                 0f05

If the syscall is correct then the bytes before it do not make sense, but 0x3c corresponds to syscall 60 = exit. You can use any reference to syscall numbers, such as here. This makes a lot of sense, so 3c000000 is really an immediate 32-bit value, and I am really expecting to see RAX being set:

0x1040d2:       mov     rax, 0x3c               48c7c03c000000
0x1040d9:       syscall          0f05

This gave:

Payload:    78 a3 f3 41 43 53 7b 6c 77
Expected:   48 c7 c0 3c 00 00 00 0f 05
XOR result: 30 64 33 7d 43 53 7b 63 72
XOR char:   0  d  3  }  C  S  {  c  r

We can even guess that the suffix is _c0d3. From here, guessing onward became easier as more and more bytes get revealed. For example, now we get:

0x104154:       nop                     90
0x104155:       nop                     90
0x104156:       nop                     90
0x104157:       add     byte ptr [rdi], cl              000f
0x104159:       add     eax, 0x4589c089         0589c08945

Obviously the 0f05 is another syscall, so we expect RAX to be set again. Eventually, after all the bytes are decoded, we get the flag: CS{crypt0_an4lys1s_0n_c0d3}. Interestingly, the entire decoded payload simply prints out the password.

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