Union CTF 2021 - Human server [crypto]

The challenge

Code is pretty straighforward:

import os, random, hashlib, textwrap, json
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, long_to_bytes

from fastecdsa.curve import secp256k1
from fastecdsa.point import Point


CURVE = secp256k1

class EllipticCurveKeyExchange():
    def __init__(self):
        self.private = random.randint(0,ORDER)
        self.public = self.get_public_key()
        self.recieved = None
        self.nonce = None
        self.key = None

    def get_public_key(self):
        A = G * self.private
        return A

    def send_public(self):
        return print(json.dumps({"Px" : self.public.x, "Py" : self.public.y}))

    def receive_public(self, data):
        Remember to include the nonce for ultra-secure key exchange!
        Px = int(data["Px"])
        Py = int(data["Py"])
        self.recieved = Point(Px, Py, curve=secp256k1)
        self.nonce = int(data['nonce'])

    def get_shared_secret(self):
        Generates the ultra secure secret with added nonce randomness
        assert self.nonce.bit_length() > 64
        self.key = (self.recieved * self.private).x ^ self.nonce

    def check_fingerprint(self, h2: str):
        If this is failing, remember that you must send the SAME
        nonce to both Alice and Bob for the shared secret to match
        h1 = hashlib.sha256(long_to_bytes(self.key)).hexdigest()
        return h1 == h2

    def send_fingerprint(self):
        return hashlib.sha256(long_to_bytes(self.key)).hexdigest()

def print_header(title: str):

def input_json(prompt: str):
    data = input(prompt)
        return json.loads(data)
        print({"error": "Input must be sent as a JSON object"})

def encrypt_flag(shared_secret: int):
    iv = os.urandom(16)
    key = hashlib.sha1(long_to_bytes(shared_secret)).digest()[:16]
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(FLAG, 16))

    data = {}
    data['iv'] = iv.hex()
    data['encrypted_flag'] = ciphertext.hex()
    return print(json.dumps(data))

Alice = EllipticCurveKeyExchange()
Bob = EllipticCurveKeyExchange()

message = "Hello! Thanks so much for jumping in to help. Ever since everyone left WhatsApp, we've had a hard time keeping up with communications. We're hoping by outsourcing the message exchange to some CTF players we'll keep the load down on our servers... All messages are end-to-end encrypted so there's no privacy issues at all, we've even rolling out our new ultra-secure key exchange with enhanced randomness! Again, we really appreciate the help, feel free to add this experience to your CV!"
welcome = textwrap.fill(message, width=64)          

print_header('Alice sends public key')

print_header("Please forward Alice's key to Bob")
alice_to_bob = input_json('Send to Bob: ')		# Bob.received=G, nonce=NONCE, key=Bob.public ^ NONCE

print_header('Bob sends public key')

print_header("Please forward Bob's key to Alice")
bob_to_alice = input_json('Send to Alice: ')
Alice.receive_public(bob_to_alice)				# Alice.received=

print_header('Key verification in progress')
alice_happy = Alice.check_fingerprint(Bob.send_fingerprint())
bob_happy = Bob.check_fingerprint(Alice.send_fingerprint())
if not alice_happy or not bob_happy:
    print({"error": "Alice and Bob panicked: Potential MITM attack in progress!!"})

print_header('Alice sends encrypted flag to Bob')

Highlevel details

  1. Using the secp256k1 curve, the EllipticCurveKeyExchange class has a private key (random.randint to get an integer in the order of the curve) and a public key (which is a known point G multiplied by the private key).
  2. The send_public method simply outputs the public key’s coordinates.
  3. The receive_public method receives JSON data representing a point and then saves the point as the recieved member. It will also extract a nonce integer from the JSON and will keep the nonce as the nonce member.
  4. The get_shared_secret method validates the nonce is at least 65-bit wide, and then calculates the key: (received*private).x ^ nonce.
  5. The send_fingerprint method publishes SHA256 of the shared key.
  6. The check_fingerprint gets a fingerprint and validates that it’s equal to own’s key SHA256.
  7. Finally, the encrypt_flag method does an AES-CBC cipher. It uses random 16 bytes as the IV (from os.urandom) and the first 16 bytes from the SHA1 digest of the shared key as the AES key.

Obviously, the goal is abusing the nonce and the received point to get a known key. The shared secret is calculated as such:

shared_secret = (received * private).x ^ nonce

So, if we set received = G, we effectively set the shared secret to public.x ^ nonce (due to the multiplication of the point with private). We can control difference nonce values for Alice and Bob to coordinate the secret.

Sending to Bob

  1. At this point we do not know Bob’s public key.
  2. Set recevied=G and Nonce to be 2**65 (just to be over 64 bits).
  3. This makes the shared secret: bob.public.x ^ 2**65.

Sending to Alice

  1. At this point we know everyone’s public keys.
  2. Set received=G, so now we must satisfy: alice.public.x ^ n = bob.public.x ^ 2**65, where n is the Nonce sent to Alice from Bob.
  3. The solution is n = bob.public.x ^ alice.public.x ^ 2**65.

Solution code

import json, hashlib

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, long_to_bytes

from fastecdsa.curve import secp256k1
from fastecdsa.point import Point

CURVE = secp256k1


alice_pub = json.loads(input('alice.pub?'))
print('{"Px": %d, "Py": %d, "nonce": %d}' % (G.x, G.y, DUMMY_NONCE))

bob_pub = json.loads(input('bob.pub?'))
shared_secret = bob_pub['Px'] ^ DUMMY_NONCE
alice_nonce = bob_pub['Px'] ^ alice_pub['Px'] ^ DUMMY_NONCE
print('{"Px": %d, "Py": %d, "nonce": %d}' % (G.x, G.y, alice_nonce))

aes_key = hashlib.sha1(long_to_bytes(shared_secret)).digest()[:16]
aes_data = json.loads(input('aes.data?'))
aes_iv = bytes.fromhex(aes_data['iv'])
cipher = AES.new(aes_key, AES.MODE_CBC, aes_iv)
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex(aes_data['encrypted_flag'])

I ended up with the flag: union{https://buttondown.email/cryptography-dispatches/archive/cryptography-dispatches-the-most-backdoor-looking/}

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